Crypto Price Prediction

The Graph Crypto Monthly Technical Analysis 2024


In the ever-growing crypto realm, looking into the future price of any token feels next to impossible. Today, Graph Crypto Monthly Technical Analysis 2024 from us is a try to help crypto investors understand the potential of this token. Our in-depth research analytics are based on the LSTM model and done by experienced crypto market researchers. This article will be informative if you are looking for the Graph Crypto future.  

Overview The Graph Crypto Monthly Technical Analysis 2024

  • As of February 20, 2024, the price of The Graph Crypto is approximately $ $0.2506.
  • The Graph Crypto’s Fear and Greed Index is 72%.  
  •  Investing in The Graph Crypto is ideal when the market has been fearful for a long time and selling when greed is at its peak.
  • The all-time high value of the Graph Crypto was recorded at $2.84 on Feb 12, 2021.
  • The all-time low value of the Graph crypto was $0.05205. on Nov 22, 2022.
  • Our prediction for the Graph Crypto (using the LSTM model) till the end of 2024 will be the maximum value of $0.260775 and may drop to a minimum value of 0.175999.

The Graph Crypto Monthly Technical Analysis Price Table 2024 

Feb 20240.2607750.1759990.219312
Mar 20240.1846760.1816510.183045
Apr 20240.1883560.1847910.186539
May 20240.1926690.1884870.190536
Jun 20240.1974010.1928170.195065
Jul 20240.2029430.1975690.200202
Aug 20240.2092350.2031340.206124
Sep 20240.2161320.2094520.212728
Oct 20240.2241990.2163770.220211
Nov 20240.2330290.2244760.228672
Dec 20240.2433440.2333420.238247
Monthly Technical Analysis for Graph Crypto 2024

What Changes Did the Graph Crypto Make This Time?

Here, we will discuss some noteworthy developments and ongoing initiatives of Graph Crypto this year in 2024. Let’s overlook those things.

Technological Advancements

  • Efficiency and speed: Ongoing upgrades aim to make indexing and querying processes faster and more efficient.
  • New languages and chains: Expanding support for additional programming languages and blockchain networks beyond Ethereum is in progress.
  • Layer 2 scaling: Utilizing Layer 2 solutions like Arbitrum is being explored to handle more extensive GRT operations.

Community and Ecosystem Growth

  • Grants program: The Graph Ecosystem Fund continues to offer grants to developers building applications on the network.
  • Increasing adoption: More projects and applications integrate The Graph’s protocol, signifying wider adoption.
  • Governance: The Graph Council, tasked with community governance, has expanded its reach and influence.

Token-Related Updates

  • Staking mechanisms: Exploring different staking options to incentivize token holders and secure the network is ongoing.
  • Tokenomics adjustments: Potential adjustments to the GRT token’s distribution and allocation are under consideration.

Why The Graph Crypto in 2024?

There are several reasons you might consider The Graph Crypto in 2024, like

Growing infrastructure: The Graph continues to develop its technological infrastructure, making it faster and more efficient and supporting more languages and blockchains. This could attract more developers and users, increasing demand for GRT.

Expanding ecosystem: The Graph ecosystem is growing, with more projects and applications integrating its protocol. This wider adoption could boost the demand for GRT for indexing and querying services.

Decentralized future: The Graph aligns with the growing interest in decentralized solutions, offering an alternative to centralized data providers. This trend could favor GRT in the long term.

Potential token improvements: Ongoing discussions about tokenomics adjustments and staking mechanisms could improve GRT’s value proposition for investors.

Ultimately, deciding whether to invest in The Graph Crypto is yours. Conducting your research, understanding the risks involved, and considering your financial situation before making investment decisions are crucial.

The Graph Price Over the Years From 2019

The Graph Crypto Price Prediction
The Graph Crypto Price Prediction

What is the Use Cases of the Graph Crypto ? 

The Graph (GRT) crypto has several fundamental use cases ahead of its role as a native token fueling the network, which is like

1. Data Indexing and Querying

  • Developers use GRT to pay for indexing and querying blockchain data through subgraphs open APIs containing specific data sets. This simplifies building decentralized applications (dApps) by providing readily accessible and structured data.
  • Projects like Uniswap, Aave, and Decentral utilize The Graph for crucial data insights, enabling features like trading interfaces and portfolio management in their dApps.

2. Network Participation and Incentives

  •  Indexers: Stake GRT to run nodes that process queries and earn rewards based on query fees and delegator contributions.
  • Curators: Signal high-quality subgraphs and earn GRT when others use them, promoting valuable data sources within the ecosystem.
  • Delegators: Stake GRT to indexers, sharing their rewards while contributing to network security and decentralization.

3. Governance and Decision-Making

  •  GRT holders can participate in The Graph’s governance process, proposing and voting on protocol changes and parameters. This ensures community involvement in shaping the platform’s future.

4. Potential Future Use Cases

  • Identity and Reputation Management: The Graph’s data querying capabilities could facilitate decentralized identity and reputation systems in Web3.
  • Decentralized Finance (DeFi): Streamlining data access for DeFi applications through The Graph could enhance their functionality and transparency.
  • Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs): Managing and analyzing NFT data for ownership history, rarity, and market trends could be powered by The Graph.

The Graph’s utility goes beyond just a payment token. Its use cases revolve around encouraging developers, incentivizing network participants, facilitating governance, and hypothetically unlocking future applications in the evolving Web3 landscape.

The Graph Price History

The Graph Price History

The Graph Crypto Monthly Technical Analysis for 2024

Our market research indicates the maximum GRT Technical Analysis(using the LSTM Model) in 2024 may reach around $0.260775, and the lower value will be around $0.175999. The average trading value of Graph will be approximately $0.014125.

The Graph Technical Analysis 2024

The Graph Price History

Below, we have given the monthly technical analysis for Graph Crypto 2024, which will significantly help you as an investor.

The Graph Price History

The Graph Crypto Monthly Technical Analysis for February

Our monthly prediction for February 2024 is that The Graph Crypto coin may reach the high value of $0.260775 and go down to $0.175999. The average value will be $0.219312.  

The Graph Crypto Monthly Technical Analysis for March

Our market analysis predicts the highest value of The Graph Crypto coin in March 2024 will be around $0.184676, which may go down to $ 0.181651. The average trading value will be $0.183045.

The Graph Crypto Monthly Technical Analysis for April

We expect the highest value of The Graph Crypto coin in April 2024 to be around $0.188356, which may be down to $0.184791. The average trading value will be $0.186539.

The Graph Crypto Monthly Technical Analysis for May

Our research team predicts the value of The Graph Crypto coin in May 2024 will reach the maximum value of $0.192669, and the lower value may be around $0.188487. The average value will touch $0.190536.

The Graph Crypto Monthly Technical Analysis for June

We expect The Graph Crypto token to reach the highest value of $0.197401 in June. It may touch the lower value of $0.192817. The average value will stay around $0.195065.

The Graph Crypto Monthly Technical Analysis for July

According to our research team, The Graph Crypto coin will reach the highest value of $0.202943 and the lowest value of $0.197569 in July. The average value will be around $0.200202.    

The Graph Crypto Monthly Technical Analysis for August

The prediction of The Graph Crypto coin for August 2024 will be the highest value of $0.209235, and it may touch down to $0.203134. The average value will be around $0.206124.

The Graph Crypto Monthly Technical Analysis for September

We predict The Graph Crypto coin value will reach the maximum of $0.216132 and may go down to $0.209452 in September 2024. The average value will be 0.212728.

The Graph Crypto Monthly Technical Analysis for October

For October 2024, our prediction for The Graph Crypto coin’s maximum value will be around $0.224199, which may be down to $0.216337. The average value will be around 0.220211.    

The Graph Crypto Monthly Technical Analysis for November

The maximum value of The Graph Crypto coin for November 2024 will be around $0.233029, which may be down to $0.224476. The average value will be around $0.0228672.

The Graph Crypto Monthly Technical Analysis for December

Our research team predicts that The Graph Crypto coin may reach a maximum value of $0.243344 and be down to $0.233342 by December 2024. The average trading value will be $0.238247.   


  • The historical The Graph prices starting from December 18, 2020, to February 18, 2024, has been systematically imported from Yahoo finance Platform. 
  • LSTMs excel at capturing short-term dependencies within sequential data. 
  • LSTMs can capture non-linear relationships and complex patterns in time series data. 
  • This capability allows them to adapt to sudden changes or irregularities in the data, making them robust for short-term forecasting scenarios where the underlying patterns may be dynamic and non-linear. 
  • Forecasting periods were set at 366 days for One-year projections, ensuring comprehensive coverage. 
  • Post-execution of these procedural steps, outcomes have been methodically categorized into monthly segments, discerning High, Low, and Average values. 
  • Through impactful visualizations, we’ve made it easy for investors to grasp forecasted trends effortlessly for the upcoming year. 

FAQs On The Graph Crypto Monthly Technical Analysis

Q. What is the current price of GRT?

As of February 20, 2024, the price of The Graph Crypto is approximately $0.2506.

Q. What could hold back GRT’s price growth?

Market volatility, competition, and regulatory uncertainties are some of the facts that might be a holdback for GRT’s price growth.  

Q. Will GRT reach $1 by 2025?

Predicting whether GRT will reach $1 by 2025 is very tough. Some predictions suggest it could, but others expect lower values. It depends on various factors.


This post predicted The Graph’s (GRT) price till 2030. As with any crypto assessment, the answer lies more in understanding the future planning and goals of the token. Here in Graph Crypto, we have found a strong community and optimistic planning for future success, which might take this crypto to the next level. We have given all possible relevant data predictions related to GRT, which help crypto enthusiasts study the coin for future investment.